Psalm 72, Verse 8: "He shall have dominion from sea to sea..”
The Dominion of Canada
Dominion of Canada established in 1867 when our Constitution was born and it meant a dominion of Provinces in other words a joining of different territories.
Confederation was when the Constitution of Canada was signed and it was a collaboration of different regions not a conquering and domination of the regions by the British. So the word Dominion had a practical meaning and a biblical meaning.
The power between the federal and provincial government is shared in the Constitution defined in sections 91 and 92. This shared power is still in effect and was upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada on Oct 13, 2023 in the decision to overturn a Federal law that prohibited the construction of pipelines from Alberta to sell their oil and gas to other parts of Canada. This law was based on dictates from the United Nations. Trudeau voluntarily agreed to allow control of Canada’s natural resources by the UN. The SCC decided that this law disallowing pipelines from Alberta to other parts of Canada was unconstitutional because Federal Government did not have the power to make such a law. This decision supported the supremacy of our Constitution and is a slap in the face to the United Nations. This should give us all great hope for saving out country from communism with out laws.
When our communist former prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau brought us the Canada Act with his communist Charter in 1982 Canada stopped using the term Dominion Day as our national celebration day. Trudeau told us what he was doing at the time was establishing a “strong centralized government”. This communist concept of centralized government power for Canada involves centralizing the power of the federal government by stripping power from the provinces, business, churches and the individual rights of the citizens. There are still people in the government today who are secretly still working at stripping our democracy to create a communist style of government PET envisioned. PET was globalist so his ultimate plan was for a New World Order with one tyrannical international government ruling the entire world. PET’s son Justin Trudeau is working on this same plan for a New World Order spearheaded by the United Nations today.
If anyone doubts PET was a communist take a look at this article from 1968 that lays it all out.
Not to worry many Canadians are working hard at protecting the Canada with our Constitution of 1867-1982, our Canadian Bill of Rights and the Criminal Code of Canada. And we are making headway. Many police both local and federal, many armed forces personal and CSIS and some members of parliament are acting in the interest of defending Canada from traitorous conspiracies.
Q. How do we save our country from communism in order to protect our children and our resources?
A. The democratic rule of law found in our Constitution with its common law backbone and the God revering Canadian Bill Rights as well as the necessary enforcement of the Criminal Code of Canada is the most powerful way to protect our country. These Canadian Laws were designed for the purpose of protecting Canada from traitorous conspiricies. All the attacks on our rights and freedoms from the covid measures to the invocation of the Emergencies Act are evidence that our Federal and Provincial government and many of our main institutions have been infiltrated. It is now up to WeThePeople, the government officials who have not been bought and or intimidated into selling out the country, the courts, police and military to assist in holding those responsible for treason to account. We can start by looking to see which officials have openly signed up the World Economic Forum and openly support policies that attack Canadian Sovereignty. Majority of the Liberals and the NDP have committed treason. There was also very little to no opposition from the Conservatives or Green Party to protect the country from the encroaching communism. We shall also not let them get away with what they are currently planning to do which is sexually exploit our children and cage us in 15 minute cites.
The Parliament of Canada, affirming that the Canadian Nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions;
Affirming also that men and institutions remain free only when freedom is founded upon respect for moral and spiritual values and the rule of law;
And being desirous of enshrining these principles and the human rights and fundamental freedoms derived from them, in a Bill of Rights which shall reflect the respect of Parliament for its constitutional authority and which shall ensure the protection of these rights and freedoms in Canada:
Supreme Court of Canada guidance on the substance of the constitution:
The Constitution implements a structure of government and must be understood by reference to “the constitutional text itself, the historical context, and previous judicial interpretations of constitutional meaning”: Secession Reference, at para. 32; see generally H. Cyr, “L’absurdité du critère scriptural pour qualifier la constitution” (2012), 6 J.P.P.L. 293. The rules of constitutional interpretation require that constitutional documents be interpreted in a broad and purposive manner and placed in their proper linguistic, philosophic, and historical contexts: Hunter v. Southam Inc., [1984] 2 S.C.R. 145, at pp. 155-56; Edwards v. Attorney-General for Canada, [1930] A.C. 124 (P.C.), at p. 136; R. v. Big M Drug Mart Ltd., [1985] 1 S.C.R. 295, at p. 344; Supreme Court Act Reference, at para. 19. Generally, constitutional interpretation must be informed by the foundational principles of the Constitution, which include principles such as federalism, democracy, the protection of minorities, as well as constitutionalism and the rule of law: Secession Reference; Provincial Court Judges Reference; New Brunswick Broadcasting Co. v. Nova Scotia (Speaker of the House of Assembly), [1993] 1 S.C.R. 319; Reference re Manitoba Language Rights, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 721.
The Constitution of Canada gives us all the tools necessary to protect the democracy of our country.
I [name] do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King George and him will defend to the utmost of my power, against all traitorous conspiracies and attempts whatsoever, which shall be made against his person.
Meaning of the Oath to the King in our democratic monarchy is an Oath to the sovereignty of the people which includes our God given rights and freedoms.
Under section 31(2) a senator must be dismissed: “ If he takes an Oath or makes a Declaration or Acknowledgment of Allegiance, Obedience, or Adherence to a Foreign Power, or does an Act whereby he becomes a Subject or Citizen, or entitled to the Rights or Privileges of a Subject or Citizen, of a Foreign Power;”
Signing up to be a member of the World Economic Forum would definitely necessitate the dismissal of a senator because WEF part the UN which is a foreign power. The UN seeks domination of the world governments including the economy, natural resources and health.
For members of the House of Commons they can be discipled or incarcerated for serious transgressions.
Whether it is against its own Members, staff or “strangers”, the House has the power to discipline whoever is guilty of a misconduct, which it considers to amount to a breach of privilege or contempt. Article 9 of the Bill of Rights gives both Members and strangers protection from outside interference when engaged in the business of the House; it also subjects them to the disciplinary power of the House for their conduct during proceedings. [196] This power affords the House a wide range of penalties for dealing with misconduct: non-Members may be removed from the galleries of the Chamber or from the parliamentary precinct, be given a reprimand, or incarcerated; Members may be called to order, directed to cease speaking because of persistent repetition and irrelevance in debate, “named” for disregarding the authority of the Chair, suspended from the service of the House, incarcerated or even expelled. The disciplinary power of the House is to some extent regulated through the Standing Orders so that each case need not be raised formally in the House in order to be dealt with efficiently. [197] For example, this disciplinary power allows the House, through its Officers, to refuse entry to a stranger who has on previous occasions been guilty of misconduct in the public galleries or corridors.
Individuals who come within the jurisdiction of the House, whether strangers, staff or Members themselves, are subject to its discipline for any form of misconduct not only within the parliamentary precinct but also outside. [198] For example, sittings of a committee outside the precinct would be covered by the disciplinary power of the House.
Though a keystone of parliamentary privilege, the power of the House to discipline is nevertheless limited: the House has the right to reprimand and to imprison only until the end of the session; it does not have the power to impose fines. [199]
For many years there have been chaos agents sweeping through the country with demoralizing propaganda messages designed for us to lose confidence in our country and all of its institutions. We are told repeatedly from some who present as our friends and allies that:
All our police are fascist
All our courts are corrupt
All our politicians are sell outs
How many times have you heard Canada called Chinada
Our constitution is invalid and our Canadian Bill of Rights is obsolete and the criminal code cannot stop the undemocratic, unlawful activity we are seeing.
We do see examples of bad behaviour by police and corruption in the court and politicians doing many things that are not in our interest. And we see the reluctance of police to crack down. Even if we do recognize that not all police, judges and politicians are captured we know we want a change in status quo.
So there appears to be three choices if you want comprehensive change:
Violent overthrow of the government. Any significant attempt to overthrow the government would serve the globalists interests very well as they would come in through the UN process and take over the country.
Then there is subversively overthrowing the country which is now being attempted by globaisist/communist agents. This subversive take over is achieved when people on mass withdraw their support of the government and all its institutions: police, military and government etc. If enough people do this the government falls. Again this would serve the interest of the globalists who are leading this propaganda campaign because they can step in to take over the country.
Get involved to make your democracy work how it was legally intended to work. To achieve this you can do the following:
do your homework to learn your Canadian Bill of Rights, your Constitution with its inherent common law and the Criminal Code of Canada, When you understand that since the year 1215 when the Magna Carta was agreed to by the British monarchy the people became the sovereign you will understand that WeGotThis because the people are still the sovereign in Canada today. Our Canadian Constitution is based on this rich rights based common law history we inherited from the United Kingdom. And the rights established by common law are codified in the Canadian Bill of Rights which does not allow the government to place limits on them such as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does in its section 1.
Once you understand the laws put your foot down and demand that police, politicians and bureaucrats do Thee or job. Especially put your foot down with the Senate who’s only job it is to protect us from traders conspiracies.
Help get rid of the undemocratic party whip system that has been allowed to function in Canada since Peire Elliot Trudeau was the prime minister. This party whip system gives the PM power that our constitution does not bestow on a prime minister in that it allows him by party convention to make the cabinet vote how the PM dictates. As a result democracy is undermined by this protocol. We can correct this by voting for an independent candidate that is part of a coalition. A coalition that gets enough seats can appoint the prime minister as a minority or majority government. When the PM is appointed, the coalition does not confer any power to whip the cabinet vote; they are merely a spokesperson for the coalition.
Use juries to determine our rights and freedoms when violations occur and use them to determine our obligations when claims are made against us. A jury is a right and juries are necessary to the judiciary from becoming dominated by the government.
Use the referendum process already in place to establish all important issues.
The executives of the Liberal Government are hard at work conspiring with foreign powers, and using violence against peaceful protesters to maintain an illegal mandate initiated by foreign powers they have committed treason.
Thousands of Canadians are now demanding that Trudeau, Freeland, Mendicino, Lametti and Blair be arrested for treason, and CSIS, police and military, some Senators and MPs are starting to respond. Recently Mendicino, Lametti and Alghabra, the minister responsible for the vaccination mandates at the borders which sparked the Freedom Convoy 2022, were all fired from their ministerial positions and have proclaimed that they will not run for reelection. Being fired does not go far enough; we want arrests!
Last week, the first arrest was announced of a former RCMP officer for conspiracy and intimidation regarding foreign interference in Canada. “This one arrest is just the tip of the iceberg”, says RCMP who have currently undertaken 100 RCMP investigations into treason and conspiracy with foreign powers who are trying to overthrow Canada.
RCMP are also investigating Trudeau for obstruction of justice by withholding information regarding the SNC Lavalin criminal case.
Even when they arrest the liberal executives at the top, that will not be enough to save this Country from the communist takeover. If we want to turn things around and protect our democracy we cannot leave the next election to another puppet party that has its strings pulled by foreign powers. WE THE PEOPLE need to do the following things to defend the sovereignty of Canada including our human rights and fundamental freedoms.
TRIAL JURY. The right to jury was first clearly articulated in the Magna Carta as the right to a jury for any claim made against you. The jury can hear and assess the facts and they can assess the validity of the law or the application of the law in a specific case. If the jury finds that a law is invalid the defendant would be found not guilty and the law would be nullified. This is important so the WE THE PEOPLE can decide what is a fair and reasonable law and what is not. An important need for a jury can be seen in the defense of Byron Carr, a trucker charged while peacefully protesting at the Freedom Convoy 2022. . Without going through the required legal procedures in the legislation the government shut down the Convoy with violence under the Emergency Act and charged Mr. Carr with criminal offenses for violating the emergency order. Mr Carr will argue that the EA was not brought in legally and therefore the emergency regulations brought in under it are counterfeit. This would mean not just Mr Carr would be found innocent but anyone not yet tried would have charges dropped and those who have already been found guilty under the EA would have their convictions overturned. We have a well developed and long standing right to jury in common law. And later in Canada at law we established the Canadian Bill of Rights which holds that we have a right to a fair, independent and impartial tribunal to determine our rights and obligations. (section 2 (e) and (f). A jury must be provided for parliament to respect these rights found in the Bill. When the crown learned that Mr. Carr wanted a jury they declared they were only proceeding on a summary basis and he therefore cannot have a jury because it is a less serious crime. However, they are ignoring that he has a right to jury for all claims and in this case to determine his rights and obligations which in this case the determination of rights is a very serious matter involving the right to free speech, assembly and association and freedom from arbitrary arrests and unreasonable bail conditions. And the jury needs to assess the validity of the law because parliament illegally calling an emergency and brutalizing citizens is a very serious crime. A jury must be put to this task because a judge is not independent of the government.
GRAND JURY FOR TREASON We also need to use our grand juries which was also established by the Magna Cartas. The grand jury is also a tool for the people to keep the government in its place by controlling its use of power in the judicial system. A grand jury hears the evidence before a criminal charge is laid and the jury decides if there is enough evidence to lay a charge. We need a grand jury to hear the evidence of Trudeau and his executives regarding treason.
We need public demands for the arrests of those committing treason and conspiracy against Canada starting at the top.
We need to maintain our human rights and fundamental freedoms via the Constitution and the Canadian Bill of Rights with court tort actions against bureaucrats who violate our rights
Stop the move towards consolidating all data and leaving it in the hands of the globalists to support their move to digital id and digital currency.
Stop the move to 15 minute cities that represent the loss of autonomy and liberty by trapping us in these small districts and dictate and control our every move.
Protect our school children from discrimination and sexual exploitation.
Take the next federal election with independent candidates who will work with WE THE PEOPLE at the grassroots of our communities. Electing these candidates is our only way to maintain our democracy.
Remember, we can all still scrutinize the votes because they are still hand counted at the federal level. No electronic voting machines will be counting the votes.
Parties have not served us well since Trudeau Senior started the practice of party whip during his dictatorial reign of power under the War Measures Act in 1970. During that time the people knew it was not in their interest that members of parliament follow a party whip instead of the will of the people required in a democracy. And since then all the mainstream parties have adopted these undemocratic practices. The party whip process means that when Cabinet votes they must vote exactly how the Prime Ministry dictates or they will be thrown out of their ministry and the party.
Another fairly guarded fact is that there is no mention of parties in our constitution. In Canada the individual runs not the party, And our system allows a coalition of independent candidates instead of a party that can designate the Prime Minister if they get enough seats. The coalition does not have to be incorporated and each candidate will be free to set a platform based on their constituents needs and interests
WE THE PEOPLE have not been keen on electing one individual that is not affiliated with a group because we think they will be ineffective in parliament standing alone. However, there is a way to resolve these issues, and that is to run a slate of independent candidates under an unincorporated coalition that has no hierarchy. This is permitted under our constitutional structure. In fact this is likely what the forefathers envisioned to protect democracy without a party. If a coalition gets the required number of seats, then the members of the coalition can place the prime minister from amongst them. In this process the prime minister is not a dictator to the coalition, they are the spokesperson for public presentations.
A dedicated group of activists have begun to organize a slate of independent candidates called the Dominion Coalition of Independent Candidates (DCIC) to run in the next federal election.
Each candidate runs a platform that is based on the wishes and interests of their constituents
No hierarchy, therefore no whip. The prime minister's position would be that of spokesperson
Policy that is considered important to the constituents of each candidate can become coalition policy by consensus of all members.
Each candidate will be selected by consensus of the existing pool of candidates and will be required to have a history of activism approved by all members.
Candidates cannot rely on mainstream media to cover their campaign. Therefore, we are seeking donations from individuals, not corporations or governments.
The newspaper will only report the election by including statements candidates want to make to the public. There will be no editorial comments such as is done now in mainstream media. Any news coverage of the candidates will include all candidates equally and fairly whether they are members of the coalition or not.
Candidates- name riding and email, phone
Volunteers for candidates-name riding and email and phone
If we work together, we can make a real difference – unleashing the power of the Jury and running a coalition of real Canadian activists. With a genuine government and the assistance of our Constitution and our enshrined Canadian Bill of Rights we shall maintain our democracy and preserve the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.
Time is running out to save Canada from the globalists' plan to dominate the world. Can you chip in to help?
If everyone reading this chips in the cost of a coffee, we’ll have enough to launch an all-out campaign across the country to save Canada. We will be able to plaster the towns and cities with thousands of posters, signs and newspapers to introduce the Dominion Coalition candidates. This is urgent – our country is deeply infiltrated with globalist/communists who have bought most of the mainstream media and many politicians and bureaucrats. It is their intention to enslave and or kill WE THE PEOPLE as part of their great reset agenda. With a united effort their ungodly diabolical plans will be foiled in Canada by WE THE PEOPLE with THE GREAT RESIST.
More Information
The Charter V. the Bill by Jane Scharf:
Demand your Senators protect Canada