Trudeau for Treason
A Federal election is coming up shortly. If we do not want more of the party politics including the party whip initiated by Peirre Elliot Trudeau that is responsible for initiating this steady decline in democracy we need to organize.
If we speak loudly, clearly and firmly that we do not want anymore of this move towards totalitarianism which is being driven by the party whip controled by forces outside our country such as UN, WEF and WHO.
This is not how our common law tradition including our constitution is meant to be executed. There is no reference to parties in the constitution. Our history and laws support a parliamentary system that gives the will of the people to top priority.
To get democracy back on track lets get rid of the major obsticle which is the parties.
Let your MP know if they want your vote they need to declare they are running independently. Independents can form coalitions and can select who will be Prime Minsiter if they get the most votes.
1. sign and share the petition for independent candiates buttonis on the right. And share the link to others online and or create a flyer and distrubte.
2. Sent a letter to you MP telling them you want them to run independently. There is a button on the right with a template you can use as is or modify to suit the statement you want to make.
J.P. Ayotte the hot tub guy will be in court in Ottawa February 10 requesting a jury for his convoy charges. He was peacefully protesting and committe no crime. He wants a jury and he wants to make rights based arguments neither of which he can have in the Ontario Court of Justice due to their limited jurisdiction. LINK to flyer with more detail.
Trudeau for Treason Zooms
Monday News Zoom 8:00 PM EST
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Meeting ID: 882 5902 1311
Our Canadian “Rule of Law”
Defined in Canadian Case Law 1946
Three main legal tools to save Canada
Constitution of Canada 1867-1982
Under British Common Law, this document established that the people of Canada are sovereign. It is not the King or the government, but WE THE PEOPLE. The tools we need to maintain this power are here, for example, it establishes that we are a Federation of Provinces which divides powers between the Federal Government and Provincial Government. This keeps them focused on their duties to WE THE PEOPLE. The courts are in place to assist in maintaining this balance. We just had a ruling Oct 13, 2023 where the Supreme Court of Canada decided that the Federal Government cannot run off and make a deal with the United Nations regarding our natural resources. ssc decision.This legislation is not to be confused with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The fundamental difference can be seen if you compare section 1 of the Charter with the title of the Bill. The Bill says the government recognizes your rights and commits to protecting them. The Bill does not let the government put any limits on your rights. This means the government is recognizing your natural or God-given rights. Now look at the Charter section 1 which indicates your rights are not natural or God-given: they are government-given. Also, it says they can limit your rights if they think they have a good enough reason. Examples of this would be during Covid-19 with the Freedom 2022 Truckers Convoy. The need to clean the environment is the next one they are cranking up to use. Unlike the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Charter was designed to undermine your rights and freedoms by the government. Thankfully the Bill is still in effect and the only time the government can use the Charter is if we file an application with it. The Charter was designed by the card-carrying communist former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Check out this article on him from 1968 here.
Criminal Code of Canada (CCC)
Although they have snuck in provisions in the CCC that say we have to implement the United Nations agenda, the CCC must be implemented without limiting our natural God-given common law rights and freedoms protected in the Constitution and the Bill. The CCC gives the power to the Police and Senators to incarcerate anyone in Canada who conspires with foreign powers such as the United Nations/World Economic Forum/World Health Organization to undermine the sovereignty of Canada. These arrests can happen under section 46 of the CCC. Check out the Criminal Incident Report and the letter to Senators to honour their oath to protect Canada from traitorous conspiracies.
We need keep the heat on the RCMP to make these arrest happen!!!
The RCMP has the jurisdiction to carry out arrests of even the Prime Minister. We’ve filed a criminal incident report with the RCMP to demand an investigation. You can add your voice and help by filing the report as well. The more incident reports filed with the RCMP the better to get this institution to do what it is supposed to do. The court of public opinion so to speak. Link to the Criminal Incident report: Here
In November we will be filing an information with Justice of the Peace at the courthouse in Ottawa as a first step to initiate the grand jury. The pull-down menu ‘Action’ at the top of this homepage has a link to further discussion on grand juries, and why this is an important step in holding the government accountable.